2 0 1 4 S U S T A I N A B L E D E V E L O P M E N T R E P O R T / 4 2

The Group s employees are active players in its transformation. Their engagement in the company is a key

factor in its performance. In 2014, Rexel endeavored to clarify and consolidate the terms of this engagement.



Rexel operates in a transitioning environment and in a highly com- petitive market. Its organization, its professions, its products and its services are changing. Its em- ployees are key participants in this transformation and Rexel has in- cluded them in its new roadmap.

EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT FOR IMPROVED PERFORMANCE The best performing and most in- novative companies are those in which the employees are the most engaged. With the knowledge that behind every successful custom- er experience are employees who care about their company, and a stimulating work environment that fosters well-being, Rexel has placed these concepts at the heart of its human resources policy. The Group, which conducts regu- lar internal opinion surveys, par- ticularly in terms of employee engagement, wanted to go a step further and analyze employee

perception of the key compo- nents of the company s identity. Thirteen focus groups, represent- ing various positions and mana- gerial levels, were created in 2014 in ten countries. The goal: iden- tify the DNA of Rexel s employ- er brand, which entailed gaining a >>

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